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John Paul II lecture
Tuesday, May 10, 2022, 06:30pm
Hits : 510

Sponsored by the Polish Center of Wisconsin (PCW) 
6941 S. 68th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53132

“Polish Pope, John Paul II, and his epochal 1979 pilgrimage to his homeland”

Lecture by NEAL PEASE
Professor of History
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Pope John PaulII three pilgrimages to his homeland began on June 2 1979.  The Pope visited Warsaw, Gniezno, Częstochowa, Cracow, Kawaria Zebrzydowska, Wadowice, Oświęcim, Nowy Targ and again Crakow.

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In 1978, a much younger version of UWM History professor Neal Pease journeyed to Poland, along with his wife Ewa, to spend a year carrying out research for his doctoral dissertation. What he did not know was that the coming year would bring the election of the Polish pope, John Paul II, and his epochal 1979 pilgrimage to his homeland that is often described as the beginning of the end of Communist rule in eastern Europe. Join us as Professor Pease relates his memories of witnessing first hand those events that changed the history of Poland and the world.

6941 S 68th St, Franklin, WI 53132, USA
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