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Fighting for Freedom: A Boy at War
Thursday, May 12, 2016, 10:30am - 11:20am
Hits : 1152

Fighting for Freedom: A Boy at War
A book talk & signing by Julian Kulski

Julian Kulski was a 10-year-old Boy Scout when the Germans invaded his home country of Poland. At age 12, he was recruited into the Polish Underground Army by his Scoutmaster, and among other adventures, fought as a teen-age commando in the 1944 Warsaw Uprising. Today retired from a distinguished career as an architect, Julian lectures to groups small and large about his first-hand knowledge of the price of freedom and the costs of war. His war diary, The Color of Courage, which was written in 1945 as doctor-prescribed therapy when Julian was a 16-year-old veteran suffering from PTSD, recounts his journey from Boy Scout to soldier to POW.

Location: McCormick Place, Room W176bc