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Two Windows on Poland in the 20th Century: 1900-1945
Saturday, May 14, 2016, 06:00pm
Hits : 1178

Two Windows on Poland in the 20th Century: 1900-1945

multimedia program introducing Aquila Polonica Publishing and looking at two pivotal events of the 20th century:
pianist Ignacy Jan Paderewski's role in ensuring re-establishment of Poland as an independent state after WWI;
and the impacts of WWII on Poland.

Location: The Copernicus Center, 5216 W. Lawrence Ave., Chicago, IL 60630

Speakers: Terry Tegnazian (president of Aquila Polonica) with authors John Guzlowski and Julian Kulski,
and Marek Zebrowski, Director of the Polish Music Center at the University of Southern California

- John Guzlowski immigrated to America in the early 1950s as a war refugee during the last great refugee crisis—post-WWII Europe. His parents had been taken as slave laborers by the Germans and barely survived; his sister and he were born in Displaced Persons camps. John’s newest book, Echoes of Tattered Tongues: Memory Unfolded, describes the war refugee experience, using an innovative structure of poetry, prose and prose poems that unfold backwards in time.

- Julian Kulski was a 10-year-old Boy Scout when the Germans invaded his home country of Poland. At age 12, he was recruited into the Polish Underground Army by his Scoutmaster, and among other adventures, fought as a teen-age commando in the 1944 Warsaw Uprising. Today retired from a distinguished career as an architect, Julian lectures to groups small and large about his first-hand knowledge of the price of freedom and the costs of war. His war diary, The Color of Courage, which was written in 1945 as doctor-prescribed therapy when Julian was a 16-year-old veteran suffering from PTSD, recounts his journey from Boy Scout to soldier to POW.

- Marek Zebrowski , Director of the Polish Music Center at the University of Southern California, is an accomplished concert pianist, composer and author. Marek, who is a Steinway artist, has performed throughout the world, records for several different labels, and collaborates with film director David Lynch. He is bringing to BEA two books authored by him, and several additional titles published by the USC Polish Music Center. Although not an Aquila Polonica author per se, Marek has cooperated extensively with Aquila Polonica on a number of projects, and is attending BEA under the Aquila Polonica umbrella