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Willy Street Fair
Saturday, September 17, 2016, 02:00pm - 09:00pm
Hits : 1344

Willy Street Fair

willy st fair

September 17-18, 800-100 block of Williamson Street

"Come prepared to be dazzled by the color and pageantry of the Willy Street Fair...
Madison’s quintessential Street Fair modeled after the huge street fairs of the '60s

and '70s. The Fair features five stages of entertainment, nearly 150 vendors,
impromptu performers and a one-of-a-kind parade on Sunday at 11 that no
one, not you; not any family member or any of your friends wants to miss!"


Volunteers needed to run the PHCwi booth 
and represent our club in the colorful parade


Wear any Polish attire on Sunday - anything from traditional 
folk costume to a Polish Pride t-shirt: Let's have fun showing 
off our Polish Pride and raising awareness about our Club!


(608) 221-2238       This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.