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Polish Film Festival
Sunday, December 04, 2016, 01:00pm - 12:00am
Hits : 2225

Movies screened in 2016 at the 26th
Annual Polish Film Festival
click here for the entire program and more information

Sunday, December 4, 1pm

BLINDNESS (Zaćma) (2016, dir. Ryszard Bugajski)

Haunted by the horror of her ruthless crimes, a former high-ranking security officer in Poland’s communist government seeks an audience with the Primate of the Polish Catholic Church, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński. In the darkest hours of stalinism, Julia Brystiger was known as "Bloody Luna" because she tortured interrogated prisoners with extreme cruelty. She was also personally supervising the Primate's imprisonment in the years 1953-1956.


Sunday, December 4, 3pm

PLANET SINGLE (Planeta singli) (2016 dir. Mitja Okorn)

This romantic comedy follows the story of two young people meeting on Valentine's Day. Ania is a romantic and prudish music teacher looking for the love of her life, while Tomek is a cynical host of a controversial comedy TV show. He seizes an opportunity to increase the show's popularity by striking a deal with Ania to satirize her dates with men from the Planet Single website. What follows is a series of bizarre encounters revealing the true colors of men from the online dating scene and the naiveté of women they meet.


Location:   The Marquee Cinema, Union South, 1308 W Dayton St, Madison, WI 53715
