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Kościuszko Competition Deadline
Monday, July 31, 2017
Hits : 1464

Kościuszko Bicentenary International Competition:
Tribute to Kosciuszko: A Friend of Humanity

Kosc compKosciuszko Heritage (Sydney, Australia) along with Kosciuszko Mound Committee (Kraków, Poland), The Kosciuszko Foundation (New York, USA) and Polish Kościuszko Foundation (Warsaw, Poland) announce an International Kościuszko Competition with more than $10,000 in prizes.

Individuals in two age groups (adults and high school students aged 12 to 18) can submit up to 3 entries (each related to a different episode of Kosciuszko's life) in any of the three categories:

MUSIC - previously unpublished songs or musical compositions (e.g. elegies, hymns, ballads, melorecitations, raps or satires) in English or Polish.

GRAPHIC ARTS - original portraits, paintings, genre scenes, sketches, cartoons, caricatures, collages, memes, logos or posters (all in digital form)

LITERATURE - original short stories or poems in English or Polish

The Jury Panel of 14 experts from Poland, Australia and USA is chaired by Prof. Alex Storożyński, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author of the Kosciuszko's biography The Peasant Prince, President Emeritus & Chairman of the Board of the Kosciuszko Foundation, and Polish Chair of the Central European Institute at Quinnipiac University.

The competition closes on July 31, 2017

Graphic works submitted between March 1 and May 30 will be exhibited in Polish Clubs around Australia and compete for the People's Choice Award.

Final results will be revealed during a gala event in Sydney, Australia on
October 3, 2017

Please visit the competition page for forms and information about submission requirements and guidelines - as well as a list of suggested topics and links to competition background notes and images.