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PHC Picnic
Sunday, August 13, 2017, 11:00am - 03:00pm
Hits : 1086

for PHCWI members, families and friends

COME JOIN us for SUMMER FUN!  Share & promote Polish traditions!
Invite family, friends and potential new members.

The park has a big play area with a Splash Pad
so bring children and grandchildren! 

   10 am  Setup starts - volunteers welcome!*
   11 am  Start activities: music, cont. setup, grill
   12 pm Potluck lunch - please bring a dish to pass according to your last name:
                 A-F    Potato salads, baked beans, cooked veggies
                 G-L    Casseroles, hot dishes
                 M-R   Cold salads, raw veggies, fruits, dips
                 S-Z    Desserts

Your club provides: kiełbasa, buns, dishes, utensils, beer, soda, water

   After lunch: Music, games, Polish Folk Songs
   3 pm End of picnic and clean up

*We appreciate help with the setup, serving and cleanup. Let us know
how you can help, show up early or stay to help with clean up. Dziękuję!

Lakeview Community Park,  6300 Mendota Ave, Middleton, WI 53562
(west of Allen Blvd - not the park adjacent to the lake)

click here to see the map

Contact for more information and offer to help
Stephen Pienkos
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.