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Monday, October 02, 2017, 03:00pm
Hits : 1727

Milwaukee Film Festival
presents two screenings of

by Andrzej Wajda

From the festival notes: "Master filmmaker Andrzej Wajda's final film is a look into the later years of Polish artist Wladyslaw Strzeminski. a man whose avant-garde work and beliefs about the role of art in society placed him in direct conflict with the rising Stalinist orthodoxy and their preferred style of social realism. A powerful career summation from an all-time great filmmaker that doubles as an important reminder about the power of noncomformity at the point where art and politics intersect, Afterimage is appointment viewing for cinephiles and art obsessives alike."

Community Partners: POLISH CENTER

"Film Movement" website

Location: Oriental Theatre, Screen I
2230 N Farwell Ave. Milwaukee, WI 5320