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Polish Carols by LIRA...
Sunday, January 07, 2018, 03:00pm
Hits : 1163

Polish Carols, Song & Dance
by "
The Polish Lira Singers, Dancers and Symphony"  

 From the ensemble's website: The Lira Ensemble is the nation’s only professional performing arts company specializing in Polish music, song and dance. Its mission is to bring the best of Polish culture into American life. Founded as the Lira Singers in 1965, the ensemble now makes about 50 appearances a year in the Chicago area, across the Midwest, occasionally around the nation, and has made six concert tours of Poland. Lira has produced nine major recordings that are sold nationwide....

...Lira is based in Chicago as artist-in-resident at Loyola University Chicago, which makes a significant, on-going contribution to the promotion of Polish culture in the United States by donating free office, rehearsal and storage space to the Lira company.









Tickets available from the rectory at (708) 862-4165

Location:     St Andrew the Apostle Parish
                  768 Lincoln, Calumet City, IL
