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2nd Chopin IN the City Festival
Friday, February 23, 2018, 06:30am
Hits : 1132

2d Chopin IN the City Festival

The festival will take place between February 22 and March 1, 2018.


We are celebrating Chopin’s birthday and presenting his music in different styles from classical and jazz, to global and avant-garde for people of all ages” said Grazyna Auguscik, an international jazz recording artist and founder of the festival.

Frederic Chopin was born in Poland in 1810. The virtuoso of his classical music composed during the Romantic era has inspired countless generations of musicians and other artists. This year, the festival organizers have invited young visual artists who will produce paintings inspired by the live music performances.

The festival revolves not just around original Chopin compositions, but takes his classical music work to another level by showcasing music of various genres, such as jazz and folk, that have been inspired by the Polish born composer.

The event will feature a dozen performances at various venues around the city featuring artists such as Polish internationally renowned suka player Maria Pomianowska, visual artist & sculptor Andrzej Renes from Poland, classical pianist Alexander Kraft van Ermel from Curacao, Igor Lipinski from Oklahoma, and NewYork city’s jazz pianist Dianne Witkowski.

Also participating in this year’s festival are many well-known Chicago-based artists such as: vocalists Dee Alexander and Grazyna Auguscik, jazz pianists Ben Lewis and Miguel DeLaCerna, classical pianists Pawel Checinski, Haysun Kang, Alexander Djordjevic, Marta Pasek, and other instrumentalist such as saxophonist Jim Gailloreto, guitarist John Kregor, Chris Graham on vibraphone, Krzysztof Pabian on double bass, Dave Rempis on sax, Tim Daisy on drums, cellist Lilianna Wosko, cornetist Ben LaMar Gay and choreographer and dancer David Maurice and students of Paderewski Symphony Orchestra -PASO.

As artists we really care about the beauty of music and Chopin’s music reminds us that the beauty of music will never disappear if we continue to educate and present it to future generations” added Grazyna Auguscik.

The festival’s concerts and performances will take place at various venues around the Chicago area including the Old Town School of Folk Music, Copernicus Center, Piano Forte, ProMusica Audio, Polish Museum of America, Loyola University, the Harold Washington Library, and High School Concert Hall in Palatine.

The opening ceremony for Chopin IN the City will take place at the Polish Consulate on February 22, 2018

for more information about times, performers and venues