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Poland 1979-1989
Sunday, April 22, 2018, 03:00pm
Hits : 1163
Poland 1979-1989 – Living through Poland's Extraordinary Decade” Memories from Members of Our Community


You are cordially invited to attend this panel discussion Sunday, April 22, 2018 that will be held at the Polish Center of Wisconsin in the Veterans Room. 
This event is free and open to the public.

In May 1979, Pope John Paul II made his very first visit to his homeland after his election as head of the Roman Catholic Church. Just a year later the Solidarity trade union movement was born in Gdansk.

In December 1981, the communist regime imposed martial law on the country and suppressed Solidarity. The years after were very hard on Poland's people. Finally in 1989 the regime, Solidarity and the Church agreed on limited but free elections for Poland, elections Solidarity won in resounding fashion. Within a few months communist rule had come to a non-violent end and a new democratic Poland had been born.

It was truly an amazing decade!

In this program Milwaukee residents, some who were living in Poland at that time will share their experiences and those of their families in living through this tumultuous decade. Each will speak, and following their remarks, the audience will be invited to ask questions of the panelists. Included in the panel are members of Wisconsin Polonia who organized and sent aid to Poland from Wisconsin's Polish community. The panelists will focus on their experience and those of their family and friends.

Dr. Donald Pienkos

Irena Fraczek, Eugene Kaluzny, Jaroslaw Mielczarek,
Hedy Moskaluk, Katarzyna Murawska and Derek Zarzeczny


The event is sponsored by the
Wisconsin State Division of the Polish American Congress
and the Polish Heritage Alliance.

Refreshments will be served courtesy of the Polish Center of Wisconsin.

                              Location: Polish Center of Wisconsin
                                   6941 S. 68th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53132
