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Good Neighbor Parade in Middleton
Sunday, August 26, 2018, 12:00pm
Hits : 982


Join Butch Luick drives his famous RED TRUCK and club members
in Polish costumes hand out candy to the parade onlookers

.........Our line up number is not determined as yet 

.........Arrive for line up no earlier than 11:00 am, no later than 11:45am 
.........Parade Time is 12:00 pm

Check with us regarding the availability of costumes

Contact: Barbara Lomperski at (608) 238-9189
             or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The parade will travel west along University Avenue from Branch Street,
then turn right (north) onto Parmenter Street before ending at Lee Street.
The parade emcee will be stationed at Middleton Sport Bowl,
6815 University Ave., next to Willy Street Co-op.


Parade Middleton


Volunteers should register at the registration tent
in the corner of Maple Street and University Avenue
no earlier than 11 am
and no later than 11:45 am