Polish Genealogy Workshop
at the Wisconsin Historical Society
For all interested in researching Polish roots
From the event webpage: Stephen Szabados, genealogy speaker, author, and columnist, provides instructive guidance in the often confusing paper trail of our Polish ancestors. If you have any Polish lines in your family, this workshop is a must see!
This workshop always sells out. Be sure to register early!
- Polish Immigration to America
- Researching the Polish Partitions
- Making sense of your Polish records: Translating and organizing your information
- Beyond the Basics: breaking down walls
About the Lecturer: Stephen Szabados received a Bachelor of Science from the university of Illinois Champaign-Urbana and an MBA from Northern Illinois University. Check Stephen's website for his publications, presentation topics, calendar of events and other information.
Cost: $40 (10% off for WHS or WSGS members), includes a box lunch.
Visit the workshop page to register and check topics/dates of other workshops in this series.
Questions? Please contact Lori at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (608) 264-6519
Location: Memorial Library, Room 126
728 State Street, Madison WI 53706
Map: https://goo.gl/maps/Drvxv2R6wkS2