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John Gurda talk "Milwaukee..."
Tuesday, October 02, 2018, 07:00pm - 08:30pm
Hits : 994

Tuesday, October 2, 2018 7:00pm
in Polish Center of Wisconsin

Milwaukee: A City Built on Water

From the event website: Milwaukee Historian and Author- John Gurda will talk about his new book: "Milwaukee: A City Built on Water."

Gurda tells the tales of brewers, brickmakers, and ecologists. He recounts the story of generations of people- from Potawatomi Chief to fur traders and fisherman- who settled on the small spit of land known as Jones Island. Gurda shares how Milwaukee's unique water composition created its distinctive cream-colored bricks, how the upper Milwaukee River became Wisconsin's first waterpark, and how the downtown stream evolved from a "vast sewer" into a waterway clean enough to support today's lovely and lively Riverwalk. Along the way, he also launches into the mucky history of Milwaukee waters including its threats to the city through pollution, invasive species, and water-borne diseases.  

Location: Polish Center of Wisconsin
6941 S. 68th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53132
