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Polish workshop and pierogi dinner
Wednesday, July 21, 2021, 06:00pm - 09:00pm
Hits : 580

President of Polish Heritage Society of Northwestern Wisconsin
invites you to Appleton WI for the


Openings are still available for
Saturdays, June 19 and July 10 (10am - 1pm)
Wednesday, June 21 (6-9pm)

From the event's website
: This workshop is addressed to adults to learn and expend their knowledge of Polish history and culture. The course is also a perfect opportunity to gain more understanding of your Polish heritage or prepare you to a visit in Poland. As a Poland native born, I will take you on a tour of how my country looks like today and share many stories about its history, events and people that shaped it in the past 100 years. Starting with a short language lesson, I will teach you few Polish greetings and how to introduce yourself in my native tongue. I will then cover Polish geography, climate and interesting facts. I will spend some time talking about Polish history, World War II, Solidarity movement and changes that took place in Poland in 1989 and helped the country flourish and transition to democracy. Moving on, we will learn about Polish people’s traditions and I will show you a video of my brother’s wedding from Kielce, Poland. There are 16 National Holidays in Poland, and I will talk about my favorite, the All Saints Day. At the end, I will invite you to try my mom’s famous pierogi and share the recipe how to make them.

Cost $37 per person

For group rates and other dates
contact the organizer

Visit the event's website for more information
and to meet the host