Memories of Dziadka: Life in the Kingdom of Poland
1880-1920 and Immigration to America
a book by Stephen Szabados (2014, 127 pages)
See the PHC Book Club page for more information
Stephen Szabados was the presenter at the Polish Genealogy Workshop held on May 21, 2016
(check the calendar entry) where 52 attendees learned about the immigration process and ways
to find birthplaces and Polish records.
Need to order 10 books to get the author's offer of $12/book.
If you want a copy at discount price, please contact
Rose Meinholz This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (608) 233-3828
LOCATION: At the E. Madison home of Ralph & Karleen Tyksinski
(608) 873-6041 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please contact them so they can set out chairs