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PHC Book Club
Tuesday, November 16, 2021, 07:00pm
Hits : 1098

The Daring U.S. Mission to Rescue the Priceless Stallions Kidnapped by the Nazis
2021 Perfect House
by Elizabeth Letts

From the Kirkus review: "The author’s elegant narrative conveys how the love for these amazing creatures transcends national animosities."

From the Preach the Story review: "TLetts has several objectives in The Perfect Horse. One is to inform the reader of the history and special qualities of the horse known as the royal Lipizzaner; another is to relate the harrowing events of the U.S. military’s end-of-war involvement in rescuing and protecting the Lipizzaner from the Nazis. Letts’ skillful narrative, her excellent research, and the numerous photographs included in The Perfect Horse create a compelling story about this very unique and highly problematic situation in WWII."

From the Military Review: "Letts shows us that even given the carnage, human suffering, and physical damage of Europe during the World War II, there was significant and transcendent compassion for the plight of horses, particularly in Europe but internationally as well. The Perfect Horse is a memorable book, highly accessible to all audiences, and seems destined for cinematic treatment."

for more information about the book
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